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Mahanila Store
Mahanila Store

Semoga kita semua selalu berbahagia dalam pelayanan bhakti

Manfaatkanlah dengan baik setiap detik kehidupan untuk melayani Kepribadian Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Sri Krishna.

Semoga kita semua selalu berbahagia dalam pelayanan bhakti

Manfaatkanlah dengan baik setiap detik kehidupan untuk melayani Kepribadian Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Sri Krishna.

Semoga kita semua selalu berbahagia dalam pelayanan bhakti

Manfaatkanlah dengan baik setiap detik kehidupan untuk melayani Kepribadian Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Sri Krishna.

Semoga kita semua selalu berbahagia dalam pelayanan bhakti

Manfaatkanlah dengan baik setiap detik kehidupan untuk melayani Kepribadian Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Sri Krishna.

Semoga kita semua selalu berbahagia dalam pelayanan bhakti

Manfaatkanlah dengan baik setiap detik kehidupan untuk melayani Kepribadian Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Sri Krishna.

Cross Col

Monday, 25 July 2016

Lean Manufacturing

Lean Manufacturing

 Lean is “Exceeding customer satisfaction by producing
       what they want, when they want, at the best quality,
      and at the lowest cost”.
Lean (Ramping) adalah “Melampaui Kepuasan Pelanggan dengan memberikan apa yang mereka inginkan, kapan mereka perlukan, dengan mutu terbaik, dan biaya yang paling murah"
2) Lean is “A systematic approach to identifying and
    eliminating waste (non-value added activities) through
    continuous improvement by flowing the product at
    the pull of the customer in pursuit of perfection.”
Lean (Ramping) adalah "Sebuah metode pendekatan secara sistematis untuk mengetahui dan menghilangkan pemborosan (kegiatan yang tidak perlu) melalui perbaikan yang berkelanjutan dengan senantiasa menyediakan produk yang sempurna sesuai keinginan pelanggan"
Key Principles of Lean Thinking
  1. Value    - What customers are willing to pay for (Apa saja yang pelanggan mau bayar)
  1. Value Stream - The steps that deliver value (Langkah-langkah untuk memberikan nilai)
  2. Flow        - Organizing the Value Stream to be continuous
  1. Pull         - Responding to downstream customer demand
  2. Perfection         - Relentless continuous improvement (culture)
Lean Goals:
  1. Zero defects                (Tanpa cacat Produk)
  2. 100% value-add          (100% nilai tambah)
  3. Lot size of one             (Single Piece Flow)
  4. Pull of the customer  (Mendapatkan Pelanggan)
Why Become Lean?
  1. PQCDSM (Productivity, Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Morale)
  2. Improve Customer Satisfaction
  3. Increase Sales and Profits
  4. Insure Long-term Health of Company Survival
  5. Create Sustainable Competitive Advantage
One way of defining lean has two parts:
  1. Eliminate waste and non-value-added activity (NVA)
  2. Have respect for people (Respect means you hold people accountable to the system, following it and improving it (the notion of "kaizen" or continuous improvement)).
Lean leadership is about enabling and empowering people. Lean leadership is about helping people grow professionally and personally, allowing to take pride in their work.
Lean leadership recognizes how a system operates. Lean leadership doesn't set targets for people, go back to their office, and then yell at people when they don't hit those targets. Lean leaders spend time coaching people. They spend very little time in their office. They lead people and see what is actually happening rather than managing metrics and reading reports.
What is the Value added Activity?
"The opposite of is value-added, which has a special lean definition. An activity  is "value-added" if, and only if, these three conditions are met:
  1. The customer must be willing to pay for the activity
  2. The activity must change the "form, fit, or function" of the product, making it closer to the end product that the customer wants and will pay for.
  3. The activity must be done right the first time.

Sample of Simple Flow Chart.

Sample of Simple Flow Chart.

Sample of Employee Certification Form.

Sample of Employee Certification Form.

Sample of project Tracking Template Using excel.

Sample of project Tracking Template Using excel.
Contoh Cara Melakukan Tracking Kemajuan Proyek Dengan Microsoft Excel 

Sample of Congratulate Team – After Project Completion.

Sample of Congratulate Team – After Project Completion

Contoh email sebagai ucapan selamat setelah menyelesaikan sebuah proyek


Dear Team,


Well Done!


It is with pleasure that we announce the Global Warming training progress. We are pleased to inform you of the recent training completion has contributed to achieve 95% completion progress.

We are going to plan next training session to capture the numbers and to alert you to the milestones for the next batch.


“All roads that lead to success have to pass through hard work boulevard at some point”


We look forward to your final registration.